Wednesday, 18 April 2007

I worked out today... I must be a true blogspot person. Myspace has been mucking up, badly for some people, and I don't think I trust it. I have decided that I am going to go back to blogging on here for the time being. I decided that I would start a new blogspot too. So welcome to my new blogspot. I don't know how much time I will have to blog, but I can still blog a little. I will be able to put pictures on here more easily.
Okay enough on that. Well - What's been happening. Not much has been going on, Just the usual housework, working etc etc. Makayla is getting so smart! She is now jumping in her jolly jumper! She is soooo cute! She used to just spin around in it and now she has heaps of fun jumping. She is asleep atm - she's so worn out poor darling. On monday, I went and saw my new nephew mitchell on monday when makayla was at daycare. He is so cute cept the poor darling has jaundice, so he looks pretty yellow. But he is still so cute. We then (paul, lyndal, greg, mitchell and myself) went to orana mall and greg got some pictures taken on a motor bike (and he didn't want to get off!) It was pretty funny.
I am trying not to stress out too much atm, I am just stressing over this whole new baby thing. Only cause I'm scared we are not going to have enough money and we wont cope (I know we will we always do) plus my mum and dad will help us out if we are really bad. We coped with makayla so I don't know why I am so worried. I did a list of things that I need for the new baby today and I was like 'oh my gawd there is so much stuff I need!!!' stuff like
*clothes (as it is a different season to when makayla was born - and it could be a boy)
*another car seat (I laybuyed one last week)
* nappies
that's just for the new bub, I also have to get stuff for makayla while im not working such as
But then I have to worry about food for us. It just goes on and on and on. Im trying not to stress.... Stress is bad forA the baby. Breathe megan breathe. LOL. I know we will be okay, I'm just worrying about nothing. Thank god the baby bonus will help. It's just a matter of surviving until it comes in!
Okay well that's enough babling... We are sooo broke atm too we just are not winning atm. DARN. I'm gunna shut up about money. It's so depressing.
Righto... I'm gunna go have a sleep whilest my girl is.


Ikkie said...

Hey Megs,
Thanks for dropping by on Monday. I can't wait to see the pics of Gregory on the bike!! It was pretty funny huh!
Thats so kewl that Makayla is jumping in her jolly jumper!!
Things will work out for you with $.... *hugs*
Pass on some huggles to the lovely niece of yours for the 4 of us.

The Gregglesaurus said...

Hey Megs! I agree, myspace blows. I only use it cos everyone else does... but I'd love to just fully boycott it. blogger is for intelligent people, who don't post stupid freakin' chain bulletins or spam comments. It's sad to see how the internet is detetiorating with crap like that. You see heaps of it on youtube as well. Pathetic. People should have to get a licence to use the internet or something.

LOUD? said...


I was wasting time and found your blog!! Cool. I kinda never got now I can comment!

Plus on myspace i kept getting annoying ads and once it diverted me to a porno-ish site when I clicked on the x to close the pop-up dooby. GROSS!!!

I'll add you to my links!

My kids lived in the jolly jumper..well at least a good half hour session going crazy in it a day! Reuben used to fall asleep in it!! lol.

you must be feeling the stress, you listed formula twice. It's painful and majorly sucks not having money. At least you can hang out a bit for the baby bonus.

Like your blog colours btw, they look cool!!!

savage said...

Hi Megs

Cool Blog. I know the feeling of stress about money. all i can say is thank God for Centre-link!

Megan (well der) said...

hey guys (nomes and savage) thanks heaps for writting on my blog :) I check urs out all the time ur kiddies are sooooo cute!! I loved what u did wif the easter bunny gives me loads of ideas. And im so clever i worked out that nomes, ur debs sister! :) worked it out a while ago :) I love meeting new ppls and it's great to have some more pals online :)

LOUD? said...

Hey again!!

I can't comment on your new post??? Theres no lin to clic.

Just saying hi anyway!!

Deb is 3 years younger than me, and personally, I don't think she looks anything like me!!! I know all siblings say that.....she's the coolest sister but

(Are you reading this Deb??)

LOUD? said...

btw, the easter bunny idea is really cheap!!! I didn't want to get heaps of little eggs as they are either reLly expensive or cheap and tastle so feral even my ids refuse to eat them.

Pete cut the shape out of paper and just shook flour over it. Then I only used cheap smarties to lead the trail to a bunny each. Made getting one bunny seem really exciting...

Megan (well der) said...

mmmm not sure why u couldnt post a blog... sorry! do u have msn ? if ya do add me