Sunday, 29 July 2007

Hello my fellow blog readers. (hope ur ready for a novel....)
Been a interesting week to say the least. Feels like one of the longest weeks in history. Went to Griffith on tuesday... Makayla woke us up at two thirty in the morning, and wouldn't sleep even in our bed (she was a little sick with a cough) so we ended up packing up and leaving for Griffith at
about 3:30ish (we had planned to wake up at 7am! lol) Had a sleep just outside west whylong for a couple of hrs and then daylight hit we drove again. Makayla was a good girl, fell asleep in the car. Got to Griffith about 10am, just in time for breakfast. Michael had to help organize a few things for the funeral (hense that's why we went down)... had to go get a suit (scrubbed up pretty well on the day in his penguin suit) and shoes n stuff. Wednesday, they had a viewing between 10am-12pm and, well I have never seen a open casket before... so I thought I would have a look. I'm not going to do that again if I don't have to. Just looked pale and waxy didn't like it. Hit home for Michael, poor bugger.. Had the funeral at 1pm, people we're everywhere, he was a very respected man. A couple of people got up and spoke, but Charmaine, Michael's aunty got up and spoke on behalf of Joyce (Michael's grandmother) and that really hit home some of the things she said. The boys - Michael, David and Andrew (Mick's brothers), BJ (mick's cousin) uncle craig and monty (mick's dad) all carried the coffin out when the bag pipes played, they get you going those bag pipes. They played them when they walked in too.
Anyways, it was a nice funeral for pop and afterwards we had some nice cakes and stuff in the hall, and I got to meet a few of Michael's mates, including the girl that he said no to going out with me for hahahaha.

We came home thursday which was fun, considering i was sick in the car (in a bag don't worry) but I must have come down with something as I was pale and had a temp, we got back to dubbo... mick was a bit sick as well, cept the lucky bugger just felt like spewing and wasn't actually spewing. Got a phone call on the friday to inform us that david and sarah had both been sick as well, that david had been in hospital wednesday night as he had left late wednesday night to travel back to dubbo... We all reckon it was the chinese we ate on wednesday night... cept sarah didn't have any but she said she had a fair bit to drink, hense why she was sick rofl.
Makayla was a very good girl on the way home, cept about half way from parkes to dubbo started getting sookie so we sang her any song we could think of... started with the wiggles.. then it got to if ur happy if u know it clap ur hands. Oh gawd wasn't that fun... trying to think of as many things u can do if your happy and u know it... started with the clap ur hands... think it went to touch ur ear, wriggle around.. to smack daddy... then i did the If your happy and u know it shout ROAR and my gawd, she was off laughing her head off gawd it was funny. Friday we had the graveside burial in dubbo. Didn't know, but my mum and dad came, which was really nice (knew the came didn't know they we're coming) It was a pretty emotional time (have never been to one of those funerals either) Joyce had told the minister if we wanted to say anything we could... I said thanks to lance for accepting me so nicely into the family. Cause bloody hell he did. He was such a wonderful man, so accepting of people. He was awesome.
Last night, we had some of the family around at our pl
ace, Joyce, craig, sue, delma, monty, sarah and tony, charmaine. Oh and the story!!! Joyce (mick's grandma) sue (mick's aunty) and charmaine (mick's other aunty) we're all sitting around the dinner table - at lunch time - when grandma asked the other guys about having a drink.. sue thought she meant tea, charmaine joking said "want a cold one??" Joyce said "sure what you got??" So the woman are all drinking breezers which is like vodka!!! BJ who is 19 walks out and the girls said his look was priceless, considering his 70 something grandma was having a vodka... his 40something mother and 40something aunty. Gawd I wish I was there!!
Well bloody hell, haven't I ranted and raved... I'll add s
ome pictures and then chook off. Hope you all enjoyed my novel.

Makayla and Daddy had a bath this morning, Daddy decided to get creative with Makayla's hair, just had to get some pictures of it. Look's radical.

This is sue (michael's aunty) who adores makayla... if she went missing, we would know where to find her!! It's the second time sue has seen makayla.

Our darling girl fell asleep next to Mick on the lounge, mick got up she was still sleeping, she looked so relaxed! Check out the open mouth.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Some pictures

Thought I better update some pics. Enjoy !

Breakie times are fun.

What a smile

Striking a pose

Oh gawd who is this hideous creature????

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Hello all. Well, what's been happening. Our internet has been sooooooo crappy atm, I am very annoyed. Haven't even been able to open web pages because it's lagging so much. That's just bullshit considering we pay $95 a month for unlimited with dodo. Never going with dodo again at this rate. We have been trying to fix it for two weeks, tell you what they will be giving us our money back for the last two weeks when we have been having so much trouble trying to use it! After writting my last blog, my flu got very very worse. I did go to the docs on Sunday and he put me on the safest antibiotics I could be on, and cough medicine too. My sore throat has gone now (thank god) cause that was REALLY hurting, I couldn't even swallow cause it was so sore. I haven't been eating much the last couple of days either, not good for the baby, but I have been drinking as much as I can. Today I am feeling a lot better (so far) sometimes by lunch time i just get so faint and weak it sucks. So that started on Sunday, Monday night was terrible... Tuesday errrk i had to ring my mother in law to come and get her to babysit makayla because i was too weak and I felt like i was going to collapse every time I stood up. She took her and I had a good sleep. But on Tuesday night we got some sad news. Michael came and woke me up about 1am ish and told me that Elissa (his sister) messaged my phone... At 12:36am Wednesday morning, Michael's grandfather had passed away. He was the one we went to visit a few weeks ago. Michael felt bad because he didn't cry or feel really upset over it, but I said to him it was the same as when my grandmother went. She died of cancer when I was 13ish, but she had been sick we knew she was going to go - I told him of course we are sad, but we knew it was going to happen. It's different if we are called up all of a sudden saying someone has died in a car crash or something. Michael is at peace with it and I said it's a good thing. He's no longer suffering, and I felt the same when my grandmother passed. All the pain was gone for her. The funeral is next Wednesday in Griffith, and then they are coming to Dubbo with his body to bury him here. I'm guessing they are burring him here because all the family lives in Dubbo now, and Joyce is going to move here too (Michael's grandmother). I just hope me and michael are feeling better by the time we have to go down there.
Makayla has been very well now. She hasn't been having to have her puffer which I'm happy about. She still has a runny nose, and a little bit of coughing at night, but apart from that she is very well! She has been such a good girl while we have been sick too.
Finally got some housework done today, have been stopping writing this blog to go and do some... this blog i started about tenish, and its now past 1pm lol. Was able to vacume, mop and clean the kitchen up (hadn't cleaned since yesterday) and have put a couple of loads of washing in the machine. I'm glad im feeling a bit better to be able to do this stuff.
Well, I better head off.. I have to go to centrelink and put some forms in and get some mince for tea. Talk to you all later!

Saturday, 14 July 2007

What a week. we have all come down with colds, makayla and me the worst (mick getting one, so he says) I can't take anything for it so am pretty shitty atm. Got a sore throat and a runny nose and cough (the works) so it's not very fun at all. Took makayla to the doctors on monday as she was sick - had a bad cough and runny nose. Was there for four hours was not impressed as they had lost my peice of paper, and then when they discovered it when I went and told them I hadn't been seen, they didn't put me back in the list AGAIN! So was very ticked. Anyways, finally got seen - makayla was put onto antibiotics. Finished work on Wednesday... but thursday, took makayla to the doctors as she was crying whenever she coughed so I thought she must of had a really sore throat. I had to wait a couple of hours to see my GP as he is very popular at the medical centre where I take Makayla... Anyways, as soon as he saw her he told me to take her straight to hospital as he noticed she couldn't breath properly... I noticed as soon as I had a good look at her, had noticed she was weezing when I put her in the car to go up. So off to the hospital we went and she was put on ventolin. We had to stay the night (lucky me) was put in a main room with three babies, and one kept waking all night and screaming. Didn't get a very good sleep at all. She came home friday which was good - have to keep giving her ventolin for a few days then just when ever she needs it. So my first day spent not at work was spent in the hospital. Fun. Its early, but I am worn out so i'm going to put makayla to sleep and go to sleep myself. Will update more later.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Update for you all...

hello blog readers. Makayla is standing up!! Got a video of her on my myspace - if you wanna have a look click on this ----- >
Well, it's a bit of a shock to say this, but I have three more shifts at work.. and Thursday night is going to be my last night at work! It's a bit of a shock... Still hasn't really sunk in, I hope i'm not going to get bored, and also that michael and I don't fight all the time. We usually fight if we see each other too much lol.
My lactose intake is going good so far. Sometimes I have small amount of cheese but I am trying not to have too much at all so I can get rid of all the lactose in my system.
I have some pictures of makayla to upload but for the last three days our net has been really really really bloody slow, It takes forever to download pages, and updating pics, well I think I will get the craps too soon. So I have decided just to leave it for today.
My new washing machine is fantastic. Doesn't sound like it's flying off when I use it. It's weird! In some other sad news, the vacume cleaner that my mum gave me when she bought a new dyson vacume cleaner blew up the other day. Dirt went everywhere too. I was a bit peeved. So we are going to buy one with tax money. We are going to borrow mums until we get one. We are going to wait until tax time to get it. Well, we have to wait until then lol.
Had a tiny scare on wednesday, my legs started to cramp (one more than the other) and I had a tiny bit of swelling - hense that's what happened when I had makayla early. So I took myself up to the hospital and they checked me over, but they said everything was fine. Some people just get swelling too. Better to be safe than sorry I say. She did say it's very uncommon for it to re occur in my case because I have the same partner. She also said we have a very healthy baby. Good to hear.
Alrite, there's some news to keep u all happy ! ttfn!

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Lactose intolerant...

I'm so upset. Today I decided that I really have to get my lactose intolorance under control. I have been really slack lately, and I have been eatting lots of milk and cheese. I have decided that I am going to try and be good and stop eatting so much cheese, milk and everything else I have to like cream... But omg I miss out on so much good food!! I won't be able to eat : Icecream, chocolate, cream, lots of desserts... butter chicken, CHEESE (my fav food), biscuits... oh my goodness there is soooo much food!! Do I really want to do this?? I know it's bad for me not to though... Oh well. Pray for me !!!

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Installing a husband

Dear Tech Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a
distinct slow down in overall system performance --
particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated
flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs,
such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5 and then installed
undesirable programs such as AFL 5.0, The Ashes 3.0, and Golf Clubs 4.1.
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes
the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but
to no avail.
What can I do?
Signed, Desperate

Dear Desperate:
First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while
Husband 1.0 is an Operating System.
Please enter the command: "http: I Thought You Loved Me.html" and try
to download Tears 6.2 and don't forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then
automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0
to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5,Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1.
Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-law 1.0 (it runs a virus in
the background that will eventually seize control of all your system
Also, do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These
are un supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited
memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider
buying additional software to improve memory and performance.
We recommend Food 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, Tech Support

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

G'day my lovely blog readers. Thought I'd update while my little one is sleeping. Latest news, well we went to Griffith on the weekend which was pretty cool. My husbands family was all up there - his mum and dad, sister and 2 bros all came as well (not in the same car thank god!) So we all got to see his granddad who isn't very well atm. Doesn't remember who we are and was stuck in bed most of the time we were there. I have realized how much he is getting sick, and that joyce (Michael's grandmother) is such a strong lady. They have a HUGE house and she takes care of it all plus lance (mick's granddad) Found out his real name is Lancelot! That is like so cool! Anyways, his grandmother is so nice, she gave us a second hand wooden cot that has been loved, got a few marks on the paint but it's still good to have! wont have to use the porter cot for the second baby until makayla is out of the cot... AND i walked out on sunday morning and mick informed me that we had been given a washing machine that has never been used and has just been sitting downstairs. Like I mean, never ever been used at all! It's a simpson 6.5kg one, but come on it saves us buying one and I was so worried ours was going to break! We are so blessed! I was like omg I cant accept this, but she was like no take it take it! She is so good to us. So we have a cot for the new baby and also a new washing machine! Thank god for mick's grandmother!

We went out for pizza at this really nice italian resturant on the saturday nite, it was really yummy but expensive and jolly micks dad wouldnt let us pay our share! He's a rat. Makayla was really good in the car on the way down and back, slept more in the car on the way back she looked pretty tired though! We left late, got home about 9ish on sunday.

Ooooh and on the way on the friday we stopped in parkes and met zarna at KFC for some lunch. That was pretty cool! Zarna you have a HUGE belly now!! (cause she's pregnant heheh) AND I found out some news but I gotta keep it a secret. Hehehe Dunno if she knows what I'm talking about...

Well, not much else has been happening, I finish work in two weeks (less than that even!!) I sooooooo can't bloody wait! I'm sick today as it is, and im pretty worn out so I'm looking very forward to it!

When I stop I am going to start baby sitting my brothers kids while my sister in law goes to work one day a week so that will be fun, can't wait to start doing that... cept for the poo nappies. And I may be looking after another of my friends little one, sarah, for a few days a week.. that will be fun although she is sooooo loud so it will be fun! hehe.

Here's a few pic's of mick and makayla on the weekend enjoy! Byes!

This one is of makayla wacking daddy on the head, think mick was getting a headache lol