Sunday, 8 July 2007

Update for you all...

hello blog readers. Makayla is standing up!! Got a video of her on my myspace - if you wanna have a look click on this ----- >
Well, it's a bit of a shock to say this, but I have three more shifts at work.. and Thursday night is going to be my last night at work! It's a bit of a shock... Still hasn't really sunk in, I hope i'm not going to get bored, and also that michael and I don't fight all the time. We usually fight if we see each other too much lol.
My lactose intake is going good so far. Sometimes I have small amount of cheese but I am trying not to have too much at all so I can get rid of all the lactose in my system.
I have some pictures of makayla to upload but for the last three days our net has been really really really bloody slow, It takes forever to download pages, and updating pics, well I think I will get the craps too soon. So I have decided just to leave it for today.
My new washing machine is fantastic. Doesn't sound like it's flying off when I use it. It's weird! In some other sad news, the vacume cleaner that my mum gave me when she bought a new dyson vacume cleaner blew up the other day. Dirt went everywhere too. I was a bit peeved. So we are going to buy one with tax money. We are going to borrow mums until we get one. We are going to wait until tax time to get it. Well, we have to wait until then lol.
Had a tiny scare on wednesday, my legs started to cramp (one more than the other) and I had a tiny bit of swelling - hense that's what happened when I had makayla early. So I took myself up to the hospital and they checked me over, but they said everything was fine. Some people just get swelling too. Better to be safe than sorry I say. She did say it's very uncommon for it to re occur in my case because I have the same partner. She also said we have a very healthy baby. Good to hear.
Alrite, there's some news to keep u all happy ! ttfn!

1 comment:

><> Kelly ><> said...

oh i seen the vid.
she is adorable megan...