Sunday, 26 August 2007

Told you makayla likes to hide!

Remember I told you all that Makayla likes to hide??? ROFL. I always open this cupboard for her, as when she is in the kitchen she will just go to this one cupboard (and pull EVERYTHING out as you can tell) but it means she doesn't bother me when I'm trying to wash up or cook. Well she decided to take it one step further today and actually get in the cupboard. She did it twice... this was the second time after we had already pulled her out. So the second time I thought "what the heck" and let her get all the way in. She is a crack up!

Can you spot the baby???

In other news. Not much has been happening... Baby number two is still in my belly, I soooooo want it to come already!! I'm soooo over being pregnant. People told me the last 4 weeks are the worse and the most tiring.. and of course I didn't listen. Now that I am here - oh hell. They are so right!
Cleaned some of the house today. Did some vacuming and moping.. folded some clothes and did some washing. Now I am stuffed.
Hmmmm not much has been happening around here i'm afraid. All I have been doing is lounging around, coz I have been so worn out. So I guess I don't have anything to really blog. So I suppose I shall just chook off. Catch yas around!


The Gregglesaurus said...

Hahaha! Oh my gosh... she is so cute! :D lol... that cracked me up. hehe =D

Ikkie said...

She'll be good at the hide n seek game - You dont even need to count to 5 and she's gone!
Can't wait to meet bub2!! Shouldnt be long - the last few weeks seem the longest - enjoy it while you can!!