Wednesday 27 June 2007

Oh dear - I think ice is going start forming inside our house... It's SOOOOOOOOOO COLD!!! dunno what the temp is but it's bloody freezing! Well why makayla is watching some wiggles, I thought I would update on some news.
The other night we had our friends paula and matt over for dinner and their little daughter sarah over. Makayla had heaps of fun playing with sarah! She kept crawling after her the whole night - sarah is a lot quicker than makayla! They played with Makayla's new birthday present (the big block) and they we're having a wonderful time. I'm so proud of Makayla she is growing up soooo fast though!

Makayla is loving baths now she has discovered how to splash and she loves it! She is always doing it now! I got a couple of pictures of her (you can see the water moving).

Yesterday makayla started clapping her hands! She has never done that before! I'm so proud of her! I'm not sure how to put videos on here... so I will update it later.
We might be going to griffith this weekend. Michael's grandma and grandpa lives up there, and he isn't very well atm. So we are going to go either friday afternoon or saturday morning (I have to see if I can get friday night off work first.) I'm looking forward to going away. In a couple of weeks I would like to go to sydney to visit my family again, haven't seen them in a while. I know all my family reads my blog so at least they get to see pictures of makayla!
Okay, better chook off and do a few things. Chat to you all later!


Zarna said...

She's so grown up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Megs
Those bath pics are just gorgeous. Can't believe you've got just under 3mths till the next little girl comes along.
Debs xx