Wednesday 20 June 2007

Thought it was time for an update. So... whats been happening. Lots atm, I have been really tired and worn out. I so can't wait until I finish work! I wish I could finish tomorrow! 6 1/2 weeks to go, seems to be taking forever. I would finish earlier, cept had some bad news yesterday (which really shitted me!!) Thought I had almost paid off a bill (a bill that was $534) when I indeed hadn't, as the money had been bouncing back into my account and silly me I hadn't even realised! So now I have to pay all this money!! So I would probably end work sooner/just cut back on shifts. Well.. so much for that! Oh well, crap happens, and I just have to work through it. I'm pretty angry though. How could u miss this?????
Asked my gyno why I have been so sore (my belly has been really sore, much more than it was when I was pregnant with makayla) He said that it's because I have makayla and I am always picking her up and carrying her around and stuff. I also have been umming and arring (still) about breast feeding. He had a look in a book called "the bible" lol and it said that they dont know the effects of breastfeeding while being on epelim. So it looks like we are deffinatly going to be bottle feeding this little bub. I'm a bit dispointed, but it will be better for the little baby, so that's all that matters.
Even though everyone is voting that they like Anna louise better (lol) we have decided we are going to use the name Stephanie grace. I like that name a lot more. And if for some funny chance it comes out a boy it will be timothy michael.
Well I wanted to write heaps more, but I am sooooo tired and I better go to bed while makayla is sleeping. Shall update more later.

1 comment:

><> Kelly ><> said...

megan please don't be discouraged with breast feeding because you take epilim.
I have been on epilim for about 4 years and i was on epilim when i had Lachie.
The doctors, nurses and neurologist all confirmed it was okay to breast feed while on epilim.
You'll find out if you ring the breast feeding association that it will be fine.
But the call is yours.