Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Breaking News

We just felt our new girl kick for the first time!!!! Mick felt her kick a couple of times too. Unreal. It's so cool. I just had my hand on my belly, that's how I felt the baby kick, didn't feel it kick me without my hand there. What an awesome feeling.


Ikkie said...

That is so exciting :)
Just you wait... you'll be wishing she'd stop soon enough!! hehehe :o)
Only 138 days to go.... that will come around so quickly

My goodness... Makayla will be 1 soon?! ARGH!! (And I thought she was only 7 months... you'll never let me live that one down eh!!hehehe) Lemme know what she might need for her bday :)

Clairey said...

Congrats!! that is so cool!!

Megan (well der) said...

Here's a few things she would like for her birthday...
She doesn't need clothes really coz she has a few of those, but I am trying to build up her collection of blocks (wooden ones and the peek a boo ones) and the balls too. I'm going to buy her some for her birthday as well. but im sure she would like anything :)