Friday, 11 May 2007

Quick update before I go to bed (im so zoned out this maybe a bit weird...) Makayla was admited to hospital on Thursday night/friday morning. We took her up on thursday night 12:00 and we're at the emergency getting bloods taken, xrays, had a canula (however u spell it) inserted. On thursday morning she had a temperature of 38.5 then she was hot again in the afternoon, and then that night before we took her up she had a temp of 39.2! Anyways, they did the bloods and they showed abnormal white cell counts so they put a drip in and started her on antibiotics. It looked like she had tonsilitus and a viral infection. We She seemed okay today, had a fever still but it went down before we left at 3:45pm. Then I dropped mick to work while i went to the chemist, went to see my friend paula who works down stairs from mum n dads office, where she started going purple and shaking. Scared the shit outta me. I took her up to mick she was burning up. 39.8 was the highest temp we got. Straight back up, and she is still there. They do seem to think she has a really bad throat so prob tonsilitus, but she also still has a cold and cough. We have to see how she goes. I am home tonight as I got to bed at 4:30 and had an hr and half sleep and an hr at the hospital. I am so tired, so i will update more later. Please pray for our little girl.


Ikkie said...

Aww........... Poor Makka. Give her hugs from all of us. Hope she gets better soon.
Let us know if we can help at all.
Thinking of you guys

LOUD? said...

Mate, you must be freaked out! Poor little Makayla!

Will you be up there all day today too?

I hope it is nothing more thn just a throuat, virus thingy!!

We will pray for her. Get some sleep!!!!!

x Nomes