Michael cleaned it all up which was nice, While I made her some new dinner. I was cranky to start with, then I just laughed my arse off.
I haven't felt the new baby girl kick much at all atm, been a bit sad am looking forward to the kicks again. I do feel her move around different places as I know she is sitting in one spot then another about an hour later. Does that make sense?
Michael and I have been talking about names, but anything I like he doesn't. LOL. So far my favourites are Caitlin (which mick doesn't like at all) Aleisha (which he thinks sounds too much like his sisters name elissa?? Does it??? I dont think it does... anyways) and the other name I like which michael SORTA likes is Sophia. I decided I don't want to continue with naming the kids all with M names, cause we will probably have a number three so I don't want to keep it going. I know the middle name is probably going to be grace. I like that name. I think mick like it... I dunno haven't really asked... so that might bloody change too. Argh jolly males (no offence those males who read this lol)
Alright im gunna go have a nap while my baby is. Talk to you all later !!
Names are so hard!
We never chose names until they were born we were so hopeless! and we didn't have middle names until they were leaving hospital.
I had caitlin and alicia on my list to, and Talesha (which is really the same as alicia but with a t. Pete ditched them too. I like all your choices so far.
What does michael like?
Oh! And I had makayla too!
We must think alike, as I only had like 6-8 names all up
omg that is like mega freaky!! im not sure what he likes yet...
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